Tuesday, September 22, 2015

#ShelfLove ~ Perils of Book Hoarding

This month, I'm talking about the Perils of Book Hoarding. :) I believe y'all know I'm a hoarder when it comes to books. Both physical copies and digital copies...I have more books than I know what to do with. Alright, alright...I *do* know what to do with them. Finding the time is my issue...

Here are just a few of the perils of hoarding books.

As you can see, room on the shelves is an issue...


Unfortunately, I don't always hesitate...

If you look closely, you'll see two, yes TWO, books by the same title. Ugh!

And finally, as you can see from the photo above of my physical shelves AND the ones below of my ereaders and the total number of books I have on each, the biggest peril of book hoarding is having *TOO MANY* choices when it comes to picking my next read. ;)

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