Thursday, June 29, 2017

Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts #64 ~ World After by Susan Ee

This particular scene is from World After and I had to share it because it was one moment when Penryn, and Raffe, get to be relatively normal when everything else in the world is very far from normal.


Raffe comes back from foraging with a box of cereal and a jar of peanut butter. I wanted to get moving but he insisted that soldiers need food to fight properly. Besides, he said he needed time to think about his next step. So he took off into the night with his very handy night vision while I sat in the house beside my candles.
The cereal is raisin bran and the raisins taste like heaven--I mean, nirvana--or whatever wonderful place doesn't remind me of deadly angels.
For once, our hands are clean, so we eat handfuls of cereal and lick the peanut butter straight from our fingers. I suppose this place probably has utensils in the kitchen but why bother? There's something kind of fun about scooping the gooey goodness with our fingers and licking it like ice cream.
Raisin bran and peanut butter. Who knew it could taste so good? If we could just add a bit of chocolate, it would probably make a great, peanutty, crunchy chocolate bar for the high school bake sale. Okay, maybe it wouldn't taste quite so good compared to the foods in the World Before, but right now, it tastes amazing.

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